Sunday, April 20, 2014

Creative Programming

The first month, we have covered few exercises on basic HTML, CSS and Javascript. We built few self-destructing timers for Mission Impossible's style missions. Ricky brought us delicious CSS diner. The current month, we focused on media: web audio, canvas animation, web camera with webrtc, and html5 video. Nano hackers enjoyed Patap immensely. Last week, we played with green screening using the code from seriously.js and experimented some tweening examples. At one point, we all look into Lucas's screen. He discovered Chinese in the code for the Twitter button. This week we got few drawing applications and for the few more demanding, we tried voxel.js (Minecraft in Javascript). We also had Giordan to join us for the first time. Giordan has been a regular at CoderdojoNYC and busy creating Minecraft mods in Java and Eclipse.

We have no clue how green screening works, so we tested with yellow.

Lucas keeps teaching us few tricks

Lucas discovered Chinese in Twitter's button

Nano hackers in action

How to float a nano hacker head?

(Photography by Jennifer)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Little Intro to Code

This is a little intro to code made by me. It is a little html, css, and a little javascript.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nano Hacker Squad: The Initiative

The nano hacker squad started as a pilot initiative to rule the world. There are a couple of inspirational sources: the hackathon building/learning model, hacker hours (for adults) that Aidan started in NYC few years ago, and my interests in facilitating collaborative learning web technologies for kids. The focus of the pilot is to mentor very tech-enthusiastic kids from coderdojonyc as a hackathon team for the annual YRS hackathon (festival of code). 

We have support from great mentors from coderdojo and ZocDoc: Ricky, Pedro, Benno, Matt, Nick. Omar and Aidan signed up to help through the online forum. Jennifer, a parent, provided a lot of feedback before launching this initiative, as well as on-going support. Thoughtworks has been graciously hosting the event at their offices (Thanks Jared for the snacks!)

During the pilot initiative, we are learning how to facilitate collaborative learning for kids. We are making mistakes and addressing them at every iteration. The progress and engagement have been fantastic!

At this rate, the Nano Hacker Squad will rule the world!

Lucas is teaching us how to code

(Photography by Jennifer)